b'CREATIVE SUBJECTSRiver of HopeWe are delighted to be involvedSunday 5th June 2022. Thepart of an online project gallery with the River of Hope project,project highlights the Queensand reproduced in a project organised by the Thames Festivallove and respect for the naturalcatalogue. Trust and the British Council.environment and encouragesThis is an arts based learningThe project will link South project which links schoolsDartmoor Community College around the world in the studywith a local and an international of rivers. The project is aimed atschool so we can work on Year 8 and 9 students, who willdesigns collaboratively. We work with professional artists inare hoping that this may help collaborative projects exploringprovide long lasting links with the environmental and climate change.international school via grants from the British Council. So, all The final creations will beyoung people to think about theirbudding Year 8 and 9 artists (we transferred onto silk flags thathopes and aspirations for thehave an abundance of talent) look will be part of the Queensnext 70 years. All the artworkout for further details when the Platinum Jubilee Pageant oncreated will be exhibited asproject goes live in January 2022!Impact DayGenerous funding from theSouth Dartmoor CommunityThanks to the foundations Helen Foundation will make aCollege will be establishing the1,000 grant, Year 8 students big difference to our Impact Day,annual Helen Foundation awardwill be involved in workshops which will highlight the themeto celebrate endeavour in therun by Exeter based print maker of creativity and careers. Thearts. We are a school with a richSimon Ripley. Simons artwork is foundation supports schools andartistic background and we arehighly inspiring and it is beneficial colleges by engaging professionalconfident that the award will befor students to appreciate that artists to share their expertise.closely contested this year.art offers a successful career The volunteer based charitypathway. We would like to thank was set up in memory of Helenthe Helen Foundation and Simon Kirk, a London based classicalfor this very exciting opportunity. actress, and benefits more thanWe plan to use the rest of the 1,000 young people each year.funding with a different year Additionally, the trust providesgroup later in the year.young artists with financial support to fulfil their artistic ambitions. TruthRespectEqualityExcellence southdartmoor.devon.sch.uk 5'