Rome Visit
During February half term the History Department had the privilege of taking a group of Year 11 to 13 students to Rome to see amongst other things the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Palatine Hill and Circus Maximus, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, various sites around the city related to Italian Fascism, the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel.
We stayed in a hotel near the main train station in Rome (which had great coffee and ice cream luckily!) and after walking many miles per day, were able to relax in various Roman restaurants in the evenings. We covered a good deal of the main part of the city, and gained a great insight into modern day Roman life, including the many scooters.
The students were fabulous and it was brilliant sharing this experience with them. We had some very early starts (2am wake-up call on the final day!) but they coped admirably, even taking time at the airport to treat the other early flyers to various beautifully-played piano renditions.
It was a brilliant trip, and I hope the students have great memories. Most importantly of all, I hope the trip inspires them all to go back and visit again in the future, and see as many other amazing places as they can.
Huge thanks go to Jo Distin for organising much of the visit, and to Shell Hammond and Neil Whitelaw for coming along and sharing the experience with the students. Thanks also to the families of the students for enabling it to happen. One of the highlights of my career for sure.
Mr Axford