Greenpower Kit Car Club Race

On Sunday 2nd June 2024 Bill, Dylan, Jonty, Seth and their families met with Mr. Stokes at 7am on a bright sunny morning at Castle Combe Racetrack. The Greenpower Kit Car Club had assembled to put their electric car to the test! The day was to consist of scrutineering to make sure that our car was safe and compliant, followed by a practice run. After the practice run there were two races for the team to compete in.
The Team have each written a short race report about a section of the race that they were involved in:
Dylan- Practice Lap
Within the allotted practice time, we managed three total laps. This would have been enough for all of us to have a single practice lap, however there were two laps given to Jonty at the beginning when we believed we had enough time. Due to an unforeseen red flag, Dylan did not get a go, Seth got one and Jonty got two. This can be improved upon next time by better organisation in getting into the queue for scrutinisation earlier and getting in the queue for the practice laps earlier to get more time to practice. The unforeseen red flag cannot be helped, we just need good organisation next time to maximise time for practice.
We were also told to cover a small protrusion in the cockpit with foam, which we did immediately. We ought to fit something permanent rather than a stick of foam or we should permanently attach the foam piece.
Overall, our practice time could be optimised further but we did fine for our first time.
Seth- Race 1
In the first race Dylan went first and had a great start, however he soon fell behind due to the slower speed of our car compared to others, although it was only our first race. Dylan drove for 20 minutes before being called in to the pit. Our first pit stop went okay; however, we did have a few issues with adjusting the straps but this was resolved. Seth went next and he was able to overtake a few people on the corners, and the next pit stop was very fast. Jonty had a good run. I had an extra go at the end due to how fast our pit stops were!
Jonty- Race 2
In the second race we came 41st out of 77 cars. Dylan started off the race, starting near the front, however he dropped back quickly.
Seth went in the second stint, and he did very well to maintain his position. Jonty did the last stint and overtook lots of cars that had run out of battery, however, as our own batteries were low the slowest lap times were towards the end of the race.
Bill- Pit Stops
During the pit stops (which we did every 25 minutes) I took the car over to an empty lane in the pits where the drivers swapped. Then I proceeded to push them down to the bottom of the pits where a scrutineer checked the helmet, seatbelt and horn. Once all that was over it was just rinse and repeat for each of the drivers!
During the day, the team really refined their roles and responsibilities and completed all track time without any adult support. The three drivers (Dylan, Jonty & Seth) all learnt from their experiences on the track and Bill was definitely the boss of the pit lane! Our first race event was a big learning curve for us all, however we had a lot of fun, and the teamwork was incredible.
We would like to thank everyone who made this day possible, with a special thank you to Mr. Dale for the technical support and the manufacturing skills he provided.
The Greenpower Kit Car Club will have a bit of downtime now and reform properly again in September. We will be looking at ways to raise funds so that we can upgrade the car and enter more events next year. We will also be recruiting new dedicated team members - look out for the notices!