GCSEs 2021 Update

A huge thank you for the support you are offering your son/daughter to help them engage with their current timetable of live online lessons. I have messaged the students again on Teams praising their efforts. This is a truly testing time for our Year 11 cohort and a challenge that most are rising to and should be congratulated upon.
Despite not yet having received confirmation of the exact process teachers will undergo with regards to submitting GCSE grades, it is becoming increasingly clear that students current work will form a significant part of the evaluation process in arriving at their final grade. To that end, I wanted to take the opportunity to remind students and parents that whilst exams may appear to be cancelled, the assessment of students’ work, feedback and maintaining progress to meet and exceed targets grades, remains of the utmost importance.
Therefore, although engagement in the remote learning (online or via paper copies) will not necessarily be the main factor that will be considered when the time comes for grades to be entered, it is fundamental that students continue to demonstrate the level at which they are working, utilise teachers to identify areas of improvement and take every opportunity to evidence their ability. It really is in your son/daughter’s best interests to attend all their live lessons, complete all the requested work to the best of their ability and remain in communication with their teachers.
Please can I reassure you that we are here to support the students to the very best of our ability. Several students and parents have been getting touch if additional challenges have presented themselves and we are working out ways to try and overcome these together. Do get in touch if you have a current concern.
I hope that this video, also shared with students via teams, serves as a supportive reminder that every moment of every lesson continues to be of the utmost importance and that we are here to support the students every step of the way.
Mr A Fox
Head of Year 11