Impressive Finance Achievements

Sixth Formers Nat S and Mark T have both achieved A grades in Personal Finance, ranking them in the top 15% in the country.
We introduced a new Personal Finance course in the Sixth Form this year. It is a Level 3 professional qualification run by the London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF), delivered to more than 6,000 students and worth the equivalent of an AS (one year Certificate in Financial Studies) or A Level (two year Diploma in Financial Studies).
In January, during lockdown, students were given the opportunity to sit the scheduled exams or defer and our students chose to do the two exams. Nat S and Mark T both achieved A grades, ranking them in the top 15% in the country (based on last published national figures) with Nat's score placing him in the top 5%.
To give some national perspective to Nat and Mark's achievement of As in this unit, national figures use students' best scores over two attempts (re-sit included in course) and Nat and Mark's scores have been achieved in one sitting so far.
Using exam results:
1.3% nationally got A*s in this unit qualification in 2019
15.52% of cohort nationally achieved A*/A.
Average raw score out of 100:
Nationally 52.62 SDCC 67 (almost 15% better than national. Highest individual score nationally 81).
So both would be in top 15% nationally in a "normal" school year (grade boundaries have not been lowered for this qualification) so will be much higher this year. Both should get the opportunity to re-sit so Nat especially should end up with A*.
Mark also has an entry in the Young Financial Journalist of the Year Competition, sponsored by the Financial Times. Both are in line for partial scholarships from the LIBF should they decide to study a degree in banking with them.
Mr Rodgers
Head of Business & Economics