Geography Trip to Arran

Geography A'Level field trip to Arran
At 2.47am in Drumbridges, a magical mystery tour began! Prompt arrival of the South West Falcon whisked six bleary eyed geographers off to Bristol Airport for the “red-eye” flight and a Glasgow breakfast. Until the departure lounge, where the lure of fast food outlet egg muffins became too strong for the boys! Sunshine and fresh crisp Scottish air welcomed the group to the land of neeps and tatties. All before registration!
A mere 11 hours after setting off from Drumbridges, they were on mode of transport numbers seven and eight (ferry followed by minibus!) The geography party has now arrived safely in Lochranza.
A belt transect quadrant sampling methodology on Lochranza, Saltmarsh. Day one started in blazing sunshine, but bone chilling wind. Session two after lunch was evaluating tourist impact on environment, footpath erosion studies.
Day Two
A frosty fresh sunrise over the crags of Torr Nead welcomed our intrepid students to a day of glacial scenery. Polygenic landforms and management of anthropogenic impact helped add an academic glaze to Jim and James's gastronomic tour of Arran's finest tourist provisions.
All capped off (after more hearty food consumption) by a classroom session after dinner of till sediment analysis.
The final full day of the geography field trip in Arran started after the customary four course breakfast! A bumpy bus ride brimming with local colourful characters took us to the first of four settlements, to examine the impact of change on the communities around the island. More gorgeous sun but biting wind.
Departure day always arrives too soon, but with empathetic assistance so too did the cloud cover. The long sunny days that accompanied adventures to golden eagle scoured slopes and cormorant combed coastlines are now wrapped up as memories.
But the reward of hard won knowledge of geographical enquiry returns embedded in the bright young minds of our geographical future. Missing from the memories will be last night's Northern Lights display, but sensibly we were all tucked in bed.
Those interested in this trip can apply for a guaranteed place on next year's edition by applying to A level Geography at SDCC Sixth Form!
Mr Hodges