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South Dartmoor
Community College

Creative Subjects

Ralph Wickenden - Head of Creative Subjects

Music, Dance, Drama, Food Tech, D&T, DEC! and Motor Vehicles (Dave Ray)

Art (lead by John Bradford AHT)

Creative subjects Intent

The Creative Subjects of Dance, Drama, Music, Technology and Art share a common intent to develop and encourage the creativity of our students through:​ 

  • Immersion in a wide range of creative genres to gain deep knowledge and command of the skills, culture and invention that exists historically.​ 

  • Involvement in creative endeavour in and beyond the classroom.​ 

  • Communication of new ideas through expressive means such as movement, design realisation, sound, verbal and non-verbal.​ 

  • Developing the imagination and response to stimuli in a range of mediums to enable problem-solving and innovation in a safe environment.​ 

  • Enabling empathic connections and friendships between different people and subject areas.​ 

  • Building personal confidence, courage, concentration, social and team collaborative skills through practical and performance opportunities.​ 

  • Developing an appreciation of the creative outcomes of professional and historical artists and designers, linking this to their world and the environment.​ 

  • Developing life-long professional skills and memories that allow for a broader, deeper and more colourful life in any field.​ 

  • Exploring the complex academic and practical skills found in our subjects.​ 

  • Helping to create and shape a community that magnifies all these aspects of creativity and professional approaches.​