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South Dartmoor
Community College

Bel Tor

Performance Leader - Mike Slater






Welcome to Bel Tor!

Bel Tor is the 'Golden House' of South Dartmoor Community College. We are a house who pride ourselves on having a positive approach to school life, and a strong sense of community that aims to make all students feel included and welcome. 

All Bel Tor students are encouraged to show respect, commitment, and honesty in all that they do. They respect each other and the communities which they are a part, they show commitment in all that they do, whether this be turning out for a school sports team, trying in a subject they find difficult, or supporting other students in their tutor group. Above all they are honest. Honest to themselves, honest to their teachers, and honest to those who support them at home. By committing to these three building blocks Bel Tor students give themselves the best chance possible of reaching their potential.

In Bel Tor we continually strive to acknowledge the achievements of our amazing students. As well as whole school awards such as the prestigious Principal's Black Tie, Bel Tor end each term with the Bel Tor praise assembly. This light-hearted ceremony awards serious and not so serious awards alike, and culminates in the award of the Hember Cup to the term’s most outstanding Bel Tor student.

Whether you are a student, parent, or teacher, please enjoy you time in the golden Bel Tor sun!!

Once golden....always golden.